JK TV 2 – Saving Money With Wireframes

August 20, 2014 2 mins to read
Creating wireframes definitely is one of the most efficient ways to save time and money. In this episode of JK TV I’m explaining what wireframes are and how you can create wireframes yourself for your next web design or software development project. You’ll also get a challenge at the end of this video, so definitely take the time to watch it completely 😉


Wireframes are sketches drawn with pen and paper, that show how you want your website to look like when the project is finished. You don’t need any fancy drawing skills to create effective wireframes, they’re not meant to look beautiful.

Their only purpose is to help you get clear about the positioning of elements on your page, and to transport that clarity to the web designer you’re working with. This helps you to avoid misunderstandings which most often cause expensive delays and nerve-wrecking redesign iterations in the project.

How To Create Wireframes

Creating wireframes is dead-simple.

Grab a pen and paper and start drawing how you want your website to look like. Take my example wireframe from the video as guideline and don’t get caught up in details. I recommend to create a wireframe for every layout that you want on your website. This normally involves wireframes for:

  • The home page
  • The blog page
  • The podcast page
  • The content pages
  • The blog posts
  • The podcast episodes
  • The about page

You see, it adds up quickly. This is the reason why creating wireframes is so powerful! Every single layout is a potential source for misunderstandings and confusion in web design projects.

It’s so easy to get rid of them. Invest a few hours in the beginning of the project to get clear about the desired layouts and then discuss the wireframes step-by-step with your web designer. These few hours will save you time and money during the project, I promise!

Essentials Of Good Wireframes

  • They show the positioning of each element
  • They are designed for all required page layouts
  • They are designed for different screen sizes and devices (that’ll really surprise your web designer!)
  • They are NOT pixel-perfect and leave room for adaption during the project

I’d love to hear about your experiences with wireframes in web design or software development projects? Have you used them already? Consider using them after seeing this video? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts!

8 Comments on “JK TV 2 – Saving Money With Wireframes”

  1. Rahul Venkat
    August 20, 2014

    What I like most about this video lesson is that as the website owner, you can go ‚low-tech‘ and sketch with pen and paper the specs for your designer.

    1. Exactly Rahul!
      That was the major point I wanted to get across. So many people get caught up in tricky software and thus unfortunately miss the point of working with wireframes. The more amateurish they look, the better – because then they`re seen as sketches to lay a foundation (what they are) instead of treating wireframes as blueprints you have to exactly follow.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Rahul Venkat
    August 20, 2014

    What I like most about this video lesson is that as the website owner, you can go ‚low-tech‘ and sketch with pen and paper the specs for your designer.

    1. Exactly Rahul!
      That was the major point I wanted to get across. So many people get caught up in tricky software and thus unfortunately miss the point of working with wireframes. The more amateurish they look, the better – because then they`re seen as sketches to lay a foundation (what they are) instead of treating wireframes as blueprints you have to exactly follow.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love this video lesson, Jan! I actually did something similar in my design projects without knowing that it was called wireframes. Thanks for sharing this with us, very clear and concise. Keep the great content coming my friend 🙂

    1. Thanks Navid 🙂
      Your recent design changes are amazing, your website is truly becoming an example for personal branding that excells. It has made a great evolution over time, love the progress you`re making!

      Can`t wait to see your Branding Summit later this year, will be packed with good stuff on this topic!

  4. Love this video lesson, Jan! I actually did something similar in my design projects without knowing that it was called wireframes. Thanks for sharing this with us, very clear and concise. Keep the great content coming my friend 🙂

    1. Thanks Navid 🙂
      Your recent design changes are amazing, your website is truly becoming an example for personal branding that excells. It has made a great evolution over time, love the progress you`re making!

      Can`t wait to see your Branding Summit later this year, will be packed with good stuff on this topic!

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