Scott Dinsmore – A True Legend

September 16, 2015 3 mins to read

I hope you’re doing well!

I’m writing this email, because of the tragic news of the passing of Scott Dinsmore, founder of Live Your Legend.

He passed away at the age of only 33, in a tragic accident while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Even though I never met him personally, he had a massive impact on my life through our short email conversation and the work he did with Live Your Legend.

His death reminds me of what’s really important in life:

To do work that matters.
To do work that makes the world a better place.
To care about your life and stop following.

Every time I come across blog posts written in his honor, tears come into my eyes. Isn’t it crazy how the death of a person I never met influences me?

That’s how much love and power Scott put into Live Your Legend.

I can only hope to do the same with WP Mastery, to follow his example as good as I can.

He showed me that I need to think bigger about WP Mastery. I’ll make it more than a simple online course about using WordPress, more than just a community with a handful of members.

Just like Scott inspired tens of thousands of people all around the globe, I’ll try my best to do the same with WP Mastery.

I want to build a community that equips online entrepreneurs and digital nomads with the tools they need to build a sustainable business online.

To run a website that supports their ideal lifestyle.

To conquer all these stupid technical challenges that might be holding you back from achieving your goals.

That’s why I’ve decided to send weekly free WordPress trainings, instead of charging for them.

If you want to learn more about WP Mastery, you can visit the website and subscribe to the free training.

Or you can go one step further and become one of 20 early members.

In any way, I appreciate you for being a part of my life!

I want to take this chance to reflect on how lucky we are to live life on our own terms. We should be thankful for having this opportunity.

I hope someday WP Mastery will contribute to the world just as Scott’s work did it.

Thank you for reading this until the end. Writing this gave me goosebumps, it’s probably the most emotional email I ever wrote.

Let’s all fight for living lives on our own terms and contribute to the world in the best way we can!

6 Comments on “Scott Dinsmore – A True Legend”

  1. Sheryl Anne
    September 17, 2015

    Jan, Love your last thought,Let’s all fight for living lives on our own terms and contribute to the world in the best way we can! You have given me so much to think about and I love you for it. Be the difference in lives. God bless you, Jan. We all need to do better, be better, love better. Thank you for sharing this very personal email. GBYD

    1. Thank you for your kind words and your ongoing support Sheryl Anne!
      I’m proud to be friends with you 🙂

  2. Sheryl Anne
    September 17, 2015

    Jan, Love your last thought,Let’s all fight for living lives on our own terms and contribute to the world in the best way we can! You have given me so much to think about and I love you for it. Be the difference in lives. God bless you, Jan. We all need to do better, be better, love better. Thank you for sharing this very personal email. GBYD

    1. Thank you for your kind words and your ongoing support Sheryl Anne!
      I’m proud to be friends with you 🙂

  3. First time heard about Scott Dinsmore. Thanks to the writer.

  4. First time heard about Scott Dinsmore. Thanks to the writer.

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