Now It’s Time For The Real Business

Oktober 25, 2013 4 mins to read

This Monday, October 21st, I quit my job as a software consultant to concentrate on my Internet business full-time. My contract ends November 30th, so from December on I’ll be free. It was a smooth transition from employment to running my own business, no hard cut with a lot of worries.

For me, this is a dream come true and a massive change in my life. It puts pressure on my shoulders to earn money on my own, since there will be no more paychecks coming in. But this also means that I can spend my time with projects I love and that I can stop trading hours for money.

I’d like to share with you what made me quit my job and why I’m so happy to enjoy the beautiful city I’m living in without wasting hours in an office.

How I Quit My Job

I started building my Internet business in March 2013, but I was building a web design business since April 2012. I’m building websites for local business and fellow bloggers since 2012 and this year I decided to start my very first Internet business.

I’m doing ok with my web design projects, that’s money coming in every month. So I can focus on the Internet business and to really speed things up right from the beginning I joined the Internet Business Mastery Academy and – two amazing training programs that I recommend for anyone who’s interested in online business.

Those two programs lead me into a position of running a world wide business, connecting with awesome entrepreneurs like Jeremy Frandsen, Jason van Orden, Spencer Haws, Pat Flynn or Chase Reeves. I got in touch with likeminded people and build a group of close friends in which we hold each other accountable to make daily progress in our business. Thanks Navid, Myke and Josh for all your support!

The Internet business is built around several income streams that are independent from each other.

I wrote a book which covers the 10 most common fears that hold entrepreneurs back – and shows methods I used myself to overcome them.

I’m making money from affiliate marketing and Google Adsense. I’m publishing interviews with some of the most popular Internet entrepreneurs on our lovely planet.

And two months ago I decided that I’m ready for the next big leap. I launched a coaching program, where I’m teaching how to build a successful online business from scratch. This coaching program is for you, if you want to quit your job and run a business you’re truly passionate about. Though it’s not for you if you’re aiming for overnight success – I’m in the game for the long term profit.

So I’m going to dismiss Google Adsense from with the upcoming redesign and focus more on my coaching program. Seeing clients like Becky from grow their business is more satisfying for me than a job could ever be. If you’ve got any questions (or even want to apply) shoot me an email with the necessary information.

Besides that coaching program I’m working on my second book, which will be a transitioning guide from employment to your own business. I went through this process the last 7 months so turning those experiences into a book makes perfect sense in my eyes, doesn’t it?

Also I just created the prototype for my first iOS app, which I’ll hopefully manage to code myself if I find the time. Otherwise I’m already working with a great software development company which will create this app for me – and then it’ll be for Android as well!

So, there are some exciting things to happen in the near future and I can’t wait to put even more efforts into my coaching program, my app and my second book!

To take this blog to the next level, I decided that I’m going to launch a vlog and a podcast soon! You’ll get weekly information about what’s going on, how to start your own business and how to grow existing businesses. I’ll also include interviews with some of the top influencers out there, which will be pretty exciting!

That’s it for today, I hope you’re as happy about this process as I am 🙂

Keep in mind that constant hustle is the difference between greatness and mediocrity, so keep on hustling!


2 Comments on “Now It’s Time For The Real Business”

  1. Hi Jan,
    I’ve just started a blog and I’m considering joining Internet Business Mastery Academy or Fizzle, but I can’t really sort out the differences. Which would you recommend for a total newbie that wants to really get going in the right direction?

    All the best, Johanna

    1. Jan Koch
      Februar 27, 2014

      Hey Johanna,
      Internet Business Mastery is great when you can spend a bit more money. You’ll learn more than in Fizzle, because Jeremy and Jason start with designing a lifestyle to align your business with first. Knowing what goals you are working for and how you have to structure your business in order to achieve those goals is incredibly important – and I think Fizzle comes a bit short on this topic.

      I think Internet Business Mastery is more structured and provides better guidance through the process of building a business.

      However, Fizzle has the advantage of having numerous successful entrepreneurs sharing their experience, whereas Internet Business Mastery is run by two entrepreneurs (who earn 7+ figures online a year, so they know what they’re talking about 😉 ).

      When I would have to start over, I’d choose Internet Business Mastery.

      Hope this helps!

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