Find Your Passion

April 1, 2013 4 mins to read

I want to explain to you, why it’s important that your online business matches your passion. With an online business can grow to six or seven figures a year easily and I want to show you, how to start.
You may think, this sounds like scam and you are right. I won’t promise that you’ll become a millionnaire without hours and hours of work, but it’s definitely possible to generate a large amount of passive income online. As you can see in the post about my goals, I want to be able to pay all my daily bills with this passive income and I will show you, how I’m achieving this.

What’s your purpose?


What is it, that you love to do? I want you to be paid for doing what your passionate about in your online business. It’s all about you and what you want to do. For me it was about helping other people to earn money on the internet. I’m employed as a business consultant and apart from that I founded my own company to work as a web designer. But what’s really fascinating me is how to earn money online in an automated way. So I’m searching information for over six months and I’m on a very good way to start my online business. I want it to generate income fast and I’m because I’m really passionate about it, I’m doing nothing else right now. It’s keeping me in front of my PC, iPad or any other internet device, because I want to learn. And it doesn’t feel like working at all! I’ve found my purpose, the ONE action, that I want to do all my life: Create content to help others to succeed online. For me it’s not primarly about the money. Money is a bad motivator. You’ll still be frustrated with your job, if your not loving what you’re doing, even if your making six figures a year.

Complete the following sentence for yourself:

I love to do ______, because ___________.

Of course you can change this sentence like I want to do _______, so that __________ happens or something that matches you better than my version. This will be the topic of your online business.

The reason is simple: If your not following your passion in your online business you’ll be frustrated. It won’t be fun to work for the business and so you’ll never make your dreams come true. It’s the same situation like in most 9-to-5 jobs, where you’re online doing, what your boss wants you to. Is this the situation you want for the rest of your life? Or do you want to be in control? Do you want to decide what to do, when to do and how much to earn? If you answered the latter questions with YES, than don’t start an online business that doesn’t match your passions!

Don’t confuse with passion and skills, they don’t need to be the same. Take me as an example: As employee I have to advice my customers in using our ERP system, I’m managing projects and doing some marketing and programming. I think I’m quite good in these functions but as you can tell, it’s NOT my passion. Also I like great designed websites, to do some configurations on Linux servers and I’m very interested in IT security. But all these tasks are NOT my single motivating purpose. I don’t want to miss any of them but it’s not, what keeps me working all day and night. Only my purpose as stated above keeps me motivated all time to do the best I can for my online business.

So go out and find yours.

To learn more about the business model behind my online business, visit the Internet Business Mastery Academy*.


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