From Yellowbelly To Internet Business Owner

Oktober 17, 2013 3 mins to read

Did you know that some of the most successful Internet business owners were Yellowbellies before they started?

Some got laid off in their job and just started an Internet business because they couldn’t find another job. Some weren’t sure whether Internet business was right for them, they only knew employment wouldn’t make them happy.

And all Internet business owners need to overcome fears on an almost daily basis.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that being scared is human! All self-made millionaires started small and now they run successful businesses.

What differentiates them from the wast majority is that they decide to challenge the status quo. They weren’t satisfied and thus they started to build a business that would satisfy them.

Two years ago I was working 50 hours per week as employee and studied additional 20 hours per week in a masters degree. You bet I wasn’t satisfied in that situation.

Now I’m about to quit my job and to build an Internet business that will support my lifestyle. Including traveling, not worrying about money and spending time with my loved ones whenever I want.

If that’s your dream as well – or at least you have a similar dream – I invite you to take the first step today!

The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle eBookI wrote a book about my experiences where I’m covering all my experiences and all the mistakes I made in those two years, so that you can skip my mistakes.

Please, don’t get me wrong. This book isn’t meant to make me rich.

 I wrote it to spread the message that you’ll only become successful if you get out of your comfort zone.

That’s why you can get this book at the prize for a cup of coffee. That’s right, a cup of coffee will open your chance to get out of your comfort zone and start taking action to reach your goals!

In this book I’m outlining the 10 most common fears and doubts that hold people back from taking action. You’ll learn that you can overcome doubts like:

  • I’m no expert.
  • I don’t know how to start.
  • I’ve got nothing to say.
  • What if I fail?
  • What will my family think?
  • and others….

To increase the value of this book even more, I interviewed million making entrepreneurs like Neil Patel or Jeremy Frandsen. You find 7 interviews with entrepreneurs of all classes in that book, so that you can see where entrepreneurs usually start and to what size their businesses can grow.

Even if you’re not buying the book, please promise me one thing: Stop accepting situations that are unpleasant for you!

There’s no need in the 21th century to do stuff you hate.

Don’t let your doubts and fears hold you back from taking action. If you take one small step after another, you’ll grow something big that can change your life forever!

You can see in my story how I made the transition from unsatisfied employee who’s trading lifetime for dollars to a more than happy entrepreneur who’s building his dream!

So go out and get out of your comfort zone!


4 Comments on “From Yellowbelly To Internet Business Owner”

  1. Good stuff Jan! Congrats on taking the plunge. After doing this blogging thing for 4 years I assure you, we have all been scared at one time or another. Everybody. The ones that make it feel the fear and do it anyway. Keep at it, embrace your fears and learn from your mistakes to become a successful internet business owner.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Jan
      Oktober 21, 2013

      Hey Ryan,
      thanks for stopping by!
      Today is the day, I’ll hand in the resignation from my full-time job. Wow, this feels weird but great at the same time!

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words 🙂

      Best regards,

  2. Jan,

    I’m so happy to meet you from Harleena’s place! You are a gal after my own heart! Too many people are caught up in fear and „what ifs“ that they stay stagnant and don’t enjoy their lifestyle.

    I used to be called a rebel back in the day because I always was an entrepreneur. Venturing out to what gave me the most passion and enjoyed my lifestyle.

    What a great book you have written. Yes, it is the 21st century and having a job isn’t really going to get people anywhere, well most of them. I counsel a lot of people and this is what prompted me to come on to the internet in the first place. I wanted my clients to create a „back door plan“ because of all the lay offs and the economy.

    I learned everything I could possible learn and became the forerunner. I’m having a blast with my business, many of my clients have either decided to work part time and get in on this party or have quit their jobs and created their own.

    Many blessings to you


    1. Jan
      Oktober 21, 2013

      Hey Donna,
      I really appreciate your encouraging words, thanks for stopping by!

      I feel like a rebel myself, because I’m the only one in my entire family who’s quitting a job to work on my own. And then even building an online business nobody has even heard of in my environment. You must know I’m coming from a somewhat conservative place in Germany called Ostfriesland. People here usually are even more sceptic towards new online phenomenons than Germans in general.

      I’m glad that you like my book! I really put my heart and soul into that book and I’m always amazed by positive feedback 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, I’m sure that we’ll both have a great time ahead of us!

      Best regards,

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