The Restarter’s Mindset

Januar 12, 2014 5 mins to read

Mindset is probably the most important asset when you go for a Restart. A Restart is meant to be live-changing, so it’s no easy decision to make and it’s not a process that takes you to the goal fast.

The ultimate goal for Restarters is to change their life for the long-term. Quick success most often fails and thus it’s not for Restarters.

To know whether you can consider yourself a Restarter and whether the Restart 101 is for you, I want to explain the 6 maxims that every Restarter lives by.

1. We Want to Live on Our Own Terms.

Restarters don’t accept being dependent on anybody. Regardless whether it’s a job, a big customer or a person in our private lives.

Restarters strive for freedom and independence. Freedom is defined by freedom of choice, freedom of time and not worrying about anything. The Restart is about living a life on our own terms and being in control over how we spend our time.

We don’t want to depend on the next paycheck coming on. We’ll rather create a business that supports the lifestyle we desire and that is in our control, that’s our baby. A business that will take care of us and that will allow us to stop worrying about money.

2. We Want to Enjoy Life to the Fullest.

Life’s short and we can’t buy anymore lifetime. Steve Jobs once said that „remembering to be dead soon was the most important tool he encountered to make big decisions.“

Restarters want to enjoy life to the fullest, doing things we love and spending time with people we love. If our job doesn’t allow them to do that, we Restarters do create opportunities that generate the income necessary to purely enjoy life.

People are not meant to be in situations they don’t enjoy. Time is way too valuable to be wasted.

Restarters have understood the value of their time and the magic of life. And we’ll do whatever it takes to enjoy the time on our beautiful Earth.

3. We Don’t Take NO For an Answer.

Restarters do stand out of the masses. We act different, we believe in different things and we don’t conform with our society all the time. That’s why we get NO’s as an answer quite often.

But what separates Restarters from others is that we don’t accept NO for an answer. We’re inventors searching for our own way to life live, driven by the will to improve.

If there is no opportunity given, we’ll create one. All big inventions started with a NO, because the society is scared to change.

People’s comfort zone is omnipresent and Restarters are living outside their comfort zones – because we believe in themselves.

We analyze our current situation, take what’s good and just build an even better lifestyle around it.

4. We Put in Smart Work to Achieve Goals.

Hard work leads to nothing, if it’s not targeted towards a very specific goal.

That’s why Restarters believe in smart work. The Restart 101 will uncover a challenging process and since it’s designed to change lives, you bet that there’s a lot of work to be done.

What differentiates Restarters from others is our determination, our consistence and our way to get things done.

We work towards goals that we’re truly passionate about. We work on projects we love with people we identify with. We break problems and tasks down into little actionable steps and make consistent progress, day by day.

Hard work is necessary, but it needs to be smart work to accomplish goals. Restarters aren’t busy, we get shit done!

5. We Know That Failing is the Way to Success.

Most people think that being successful is easy. It’s not and Restarters have accepted that failure is the essential part of the journey.

We can only learn what works by knowing what doesn’t.

Winston S. Churchill — ‚Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.‘

Restarters keep pushing through failure because we learn with every mistake we make. That’s the powerful tool that makes successful Restarters stand out of the masses and that’s what all great people have in common.

Regardless what goals Restarters try to achieve, we don’t let failures distract or discourage us.

We keep going and are happy to try again.

6. We never stop exploring.

Since Restarters see failure as opportunity, we learn with every mistake they make.

But we also educate themselves whenever it’s possible. We search for ways to learn new things that help them grow ourselves and our businesses – because we all want our babies to be smart, right?

Technology makes it easier than ever to learn and Restarters use technology as a tool rather than as a toy to waste time.

With new knowledge comes new opportunity. Restarters never stop exploring their possibilities and even more important, we never stop taking action.

2 Comments on “The Restarter’s Mindset”

  1. James E. Turner
    Mai 27, 2014

    Amongst the many pearls of wisdom contained in this post, the one that resonated with me the most was this: „Restarters use technology as a tool rather than as a toy to waste time.“

    Very nicely put.

    1. Jan Koch
      Mai 29, 2014

      Thanks James!

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