My Great Online Business Starts With An eBook

Mai 3, 2013 3 mins to read

Hi folks,

as you can read here, I’ve challenged myself to write an eBook in one month. The goal for this challenge is to have a ready to publish eBook at June 1st and to start my great online business this way. There are lots of great authors and eBooks out there, so I needed to develop a concept, which makes me stand out of the masses. I don’t want to waste your time babbling around. Instead I’ll provide specific questions and actions you can take to develop your concept.


Any online business which sells eBooks has to be individual and must deliver great valuable content to his audience. That’s the point where you can leave all the others behind! With my concept you can directly start with your eBook even though you don’t know all the details (for now).

Of course the first thing I had to do, is to develop a concept for writing my ebook as high quality and as efficient as possible.

1. Organize yourself

That’s right. You shouldn’t start with your eBook but with organizing yourself and your online business. Only when you have a solid base to write your eBook upon you’ll be successful.

Ask yourself:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What questions and problems are relevant to them?
  • What solutions can you provide?
  • Why are you writing the eBook?
  • What goals do you have?

Then take action:

This is exactly what I did and it made it much easier for me to focus on the most important things. You’ll have lots of different things coming into your mind, so you’ll have to learn to concentrate on that ONE thing, that’s most important RIGHT NOW. I’m using mindmaps and document management systems for keeping track of all my documents and ideas.

2. Plan your content

Now let’s focus on your content. In step 1 you’ve collected information about the topic of your eBook and solutions to existing problems of your readers. Make sure, that you’ll solve at least one problem in your book, because that’s the reason for your reader to buy it. Your great online business won’t become a great online business, if no one buys your eBook because you don’t deliver real value.

Ask yourself:

  • Brainstorm your content
  • Think about integrating other people for more value
  • Divide your content into topics
  • Bring your topics in order
  • Refine your topics

Then take action:

That’s it so far.

I’m doing interviews right now with some very interesting people and I’ll keep you with this guide up to date!

I hope I could show you, how to start writing an eBook and how you can establish a really great online business with this. In the next week I’ll cover selling possibilities. So you’ll see, how you can generate passive income from your eBook.

Stay tuned,


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