FREE Event: WP Agency Summit launching soon!

November 5, 2019 2 mins to read

Hey there!

I apologize for not sending my weekly newsletter on Monday as you’re used to – but that had a good reason.

Yesterday, the renovation for my new home office started. We have a small house on our yard that has been a workshop for the past 20 or so years and is now turning into my new home office. Super excited for that to be done in late December 🙂

Anyways, this week I want to switch things up and talk about a free event for WP agencies I’m hosting in December.

It’s called the WP Agency Summit.

You can go behind the scenes with 29+ word-class WP agency owners, developers & marketers…

… And discover how to scale your WP agency or freelance business by attracting high-paying clients and building recurring revenue.

This virtual event brings together the owners of the best WordPress agencies and leading marketers to teach you everything that goes into running an insanely profitable WordPress agency or freelance business.

They’ll teach you how to earn more money with your agency or as a freelancer, without overloading yourself with projects, burning out, or working 12h days.

Click here to reserve your free ticket today:

I cannot wait for the event to start, will see you there!



P.S.: The WP Agency Summit runs from Dec 6th – 16th. Get your free ticket in time, you don’t want to miss this event! ->

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